Friday, November 21, 2014

Thrift Shop Haul

Thrifting has always been something that has fascinated me, but it was one of those things where I just always said, “eh, it’s not really for me”. To be completely honest {and this is going to make me sound insane}, when it comes to wearing mysterious used clothing, I wonder a little bit too much about it’s past. It’s life. It’s story, if you will. I always come up with these crazy tales about it’s potential previous owners and the things they MAY have done in the shirt that is now on my body. Such as… what if the girl who wore this last was a crazy murderer and killed someone while wearing it? or what if she drowned a puppy while wearing it? HAHAHA… I know, it’s ridiculous- but my mind just goes there. It’s kind of chilling, right? Anyway- I’ve donated a lot of clothing in the past, and it’s typically things that look well-worn and outdated, so I figured… isn’t that the case for everyone else donating? Nevertheless, one random afternoon I decided- what the heck! I’ll just go out and see what I can find!
When I first got to the Goodwill, I really didn’t find much. However, I think this was because I didn’t know what to expect and I didn’t have an open mind. I walked away with four items. My next trip, I think I walked away with ten! I taught myself that it’s important to have a good eye for WHAT COULD BE, not necessarily what IS. You can easily alter things and make them more your style, or make them appear more modern and “in-style”. I plan on making a new video series where I show you guys how I alter some affordable pieces! I’m super excited to experiment with this :)
The only strange thing about thrifting is that sometimes you will see that the pricing is quite odd; I can’t seem to figure out the strategy behind deciding the price of the items! I saw some old stained shirts that were $3.99, but a perfectly good NICE jacket for only $4.99?! Also, I have been informed that many Goodwills price their things differently. I visited one that seemed to have MUCH lower prices than the one that was next to my house. Either way, I think thrifting is so fun and I’m very excited to continue to find nice things at very affordable prices!
Thanks for stopping by! Come back and see me soon if you get lonely.


-Teardrop EarringsForever 21
-Moto JacketUrban Outfitters
-Ivory TankForever 21
-Black Bandeau, Urban Outfitters
-Chest Wrap, Kalel Kitten
-Gold Locket, Forever 21
-Knuckle RingForever 21
-High-Waisted Pants, Forever 21
-Thigh-High Socks, Urban Outfitters
-Lace-up Boots, Forever 21
-Maddox Handbag, Fossil

Thanks for stopping by! Come back and see me soon if you get lonely.


A new month, a new update! Not just a new month, but a new YEAR! Yippeeeee! *^_^* I have to say, I am freaking pumped for 2013. I even joked on twitter that I’m going to make this year my bitch… ahahaha. But in all seriousness, let’s dominate this year! Dream big, go hard and most importantly HAVE FUN. As strange as it sounds, people really do tend to forget to have fun. We get so wrapped up it the seriousness of life that we slowly abandon our childish mentality… which is amazing, don’t let that go!! Remember- any day can be turned into a fun and memorable day, YOU hold the power! :)
December was a really exciting month; I made major progress on my book, Anthony & I finalized our moving plans, we went to Disneyland, I met an amazing new friend and we had a very special Christmas. I would say the best thing that happened was probably the progress on my book. I truly hope to finish writing it this year! I never thought I could be so deep into writing a story, but I just love this book with such passion. I shared the entire storyline with Anthony one morning, and he loved it just as much as me. I was so happy. He even told me that he thought I was a creative genius and that he felt very proud of me. It was very reassuring and wonderful to hear, because I’m typically pretty hard on myself when it comes to judging my work. I mean, after working for so long it’s pretty common for people to think something is amazing, when in reality it’s disappointingly average. So it feels really good to think that maybe this time I really did get it right! I will keep you updated on my progress! :)
I hope you guys are enjoying watching my monthly updates. I think one reason that I really like doing them is because they act as a reflection exercise for me; it’s mentally healthy to look back and take note of your accomplishments and progress. So even if you don’t make YouTube videos, it may be a cool idea to start a journal and answer these questions every month! Another thing it may help with is self-discovery. Self-discovery is one of the most difficult things to achieve in life, but finding out exactly who you are and what makes you happy is very important. Answering these monthly questions can help you understand definite facts about yourself: what you like, what you’re interested in, what you’re doing right, and so on. Another thing that can really help you find yourself {I’m going on a tangent here… oh god} is to create an extremely detailed list of 100 facts about yourself. It is quite possibly the best self-discovery exercise under the sun. I personally keep one and I was considering sharing it with you guys in a blog post as a way to help encourage you to write one as well. Would you like to see it? Let me know!
Thanks for stopping by! Come back and see me soon if you get lonely.


For whatever reason, when I was a little girl, I was convinced that I could write my Christmas wish list to leave for Santa on the EVENING of Christmas Eve. As if he could make last minute adjustments for me… lol. I guess I just assumed that his magic bag truly could hold any and everything. I even remember this one time {I think I was about 6} I asked for a snake!! hahaha… Anyway- for nostalgic purposes, I thought I would continue that tradition and post my Christmas wish list for you guys to see! I actually don’t think I’m getting any of this {maybe one thing}, but eh, it’s all in good fun :)
Although, I am VERY excited to wake up and open my gifts tomorrow! Actually, I think I’m probably MORE excited to watch Anthony open up his gifts. I just love giving things to people and seeing their faces light up. I plan on vlogging all day tomorrow, as I did today, and release a special “holiday edition” rewind vlog! So you guys will be able to watch us open our gifts :P
I hope you guys all have a wonderful Christmas tomorrow. Be sure to comment below and let me know what your favorite gift you received was!! I’m nosy… hehe. Anyway, here’s my dream list for you guys to enjoy! :)
{EDITION CARPENTER BAG}: This is actually a men’s bag, but I am so in love with it. I’ve been wanting it for MONTHS. I think it’s very unique and it looks like a vintage doctor’s bag. I just adore how it’s aged.
{VINYL POP FIGURES}: Oh man. You guys know I love these damn Funko Pop figures. I need them all.
{GOLD CHARM BRACELET}: My mom actually bought me a gold charm bracelet from Fossil {it’s currently wrapped under my tree, however, it will be mine in a few hours… muahaha}, but I would definitely like some more charms. I have a silver necklace with four charms, but I really love the gold for the bracelet!
{WILLIAMS SONOMA COOKWARE}: This cookware would make me cook much more often. Enough said.
{A SERVAL KITTEN}: ahjsdfgidufhkd.
{IPAD MINI}: Still trying to figure out why I want one of these so badly. It just seems handy.
Thanks for stopping by! Come back and see me soon if you get lonely.


This nail polish. THIS NAIL POLISH. I think I’m in love! I’ve never seen something so beautiful {other than when I first laid eyes on baby Kabuki}. But for real, I can’t stop obsessing over this polish. Actually, as soon as I get done writing this post, I am driving to Rite Aid and buying FOUR more to have as back-ups. I’ve never been one to purchase back-ups, but I’m seriously considering wearing this nail polish for the rest of my life… well, maybe for the next year. Anyway- the polish is in the shade “Glee”, it’s by the brand Jesse’s Girl and it’s a part of their High-Intensity line. The polishes from this line are just STUNNING; I actually think I’m going to buy a few in different colors as well! The shades are so lovely and the shimmer in this formula is TO DIE FOR. Not to mention, it wears SO well. I’ve experienced no chipping at all! Granted, I have thin acrylic overlays on my nails {which helps so much, I highly suggest doing it if you keep short nails}, but still- not even the edges have chipped!
I first came across this little gem a few weeks ago, while I was browsing the beauty aisles at Rite Aid, and it instantly caught my eye- as if it was just meant to be. I will admit, the $3 price tag made me question the quality… but I am so glad that I chose to ignore it. I typically only use MAC cosmetics, simply because I’ve grown addicted to them and they’ve always worked wonders for me {and because I have a MAC Pro card, which pretty much allows me to purchase MAC items at drugstore prices}. But this experience REALLY has me wanting to try more drugstore stuff!! So please let me know if you have any suggestions in the comments! :)
{UPDATE: So I went to Rite Aid and they only had two bottles of the Glee polish left! Thank god I snatched them up! But then I got two others: Confetti {a beautiful purple with blue-green duochrome sparkle} and Fire Fly {pearl with purple/blue/green iridescent sparkles} HOWEVER, a new mystery has arisen! While I was there, I noticed the Julie G polishes {also produced through Jesse’s Girl} and that there was a shade IDENTICAL to Glee! THE EXACT SAME!! …and I shit you not- it’s called “A Mermaid’s Tale”! O.O I’m so upset that I didn’t see it the first time around! I’m personal friends with Julie, we spent time together while in NYC for Fashion Week 2010, and I would have loved to support her by doing the blog post on HER polish opposed to this one :’( But on the bright side, now I can get lots of back-ups! Yippeeeee!}
Thanks for stopping by! Come back and see me soon if you get lonely.


A couple of weeks ago, I ordered these little treasures from Forever 21 and I am just so surprised by how beautiful they look on. The design of these earrings are so lovely; they remind me of something that you would see on a chandelier. But I would have to say that my favorite thing about them is the coloring of the iridescent pieces. I am such a freaking sucker for anything that sparkles rainbow in the sun- or I suppose, anything rainbow in general… heh.
It’s really hard for me to find stores that carry items that work with my style. However, Forever 21 is probably the most consistant place that I can go and always find at least one item {Urban Outfitters is the other, but their price tags are delusional}. I’ve noticed lately that Forever 21 has really been getting in some amazing pieces. I used to be hesitant to purchase things from there because I’ve always struggled with the poor quality, but I think they’ve stepped up their game! And what’s even more impressive, the prices have stayed low. Bravo! Bravo!
Thanks for stopping by! Come back and see me soon if you get lonely.


This is something that I’ve been dying to make since I first began this blog. I’ve always loved the look of old, layered charm necklaces: keys, coins, crystals… there’s just something about the style that seems so mysterious and magical. And I just adore anything that is extremely distressed… the older looking the better! So I decided to go pretty crazy with the distressing on this piece. It might be a bit much for some peoples’ taste, but hey- you can always bring it down a notch.
I think the coolest thing about this creation is that you can quite easily change it to go with whatever you’re wearing; you can make alterate strands to mix and match into the spacer pieces. I want to make SO many!! Maybe one with a compass, a purple crystal? an hourglass? The possibilities are endless. If you guys end up creating this, PLEASE send me a photo on my twitter! It would make my day. And as always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments and I will do my best to answer!
I hope you liked this DIY! I want to slowly start moving into doing some “stranger” creations soon. When I first decided to make this blog, I had so many outlandish plans… however, I have yet to find the time and/or energy to execute them. But one day… ONE DAY, this blog will become what I had planned for it to become!!! hahaha :P But for real, I want to do some clothing DIYs, some complicated jewelry pieces etc. And then, most importantly, I want to build a “wardrobe” of these creations so that I can create outfits made almost entirely of things I created myself. SOMEDAY! *sigh* Once I get more into the groove with my videos and such, I will get there. So stay tuned!

January Update

Time for a little update!! I posted this a bit later than usual because of this whole disaster that I am referring to as the- “why in the hell am I still here crisis of 2013″, hahaha >_< But seriously- we were supposed to have moved WEEKS ago and I’ve had it up to HERE with all of the things that have gone wrong throughout the process; I swear, I am literally minutes away from screaming bloody murder. If I get just one more email telling me that the date is being pushed back, I really will scream. I may even make a whole affair out of it… maybe go outside {preferably while it’s pouring down rain, so I can REALLY bring myself down that extra notch} and just stomp around whilst screaming like a toddler. Sounds pretty fun. It’s just so frustrating because I feel like I can’t focus while living here… and if I can’t focus, I can’t work {at least not very well}. Not to mention, I don’t have any of things I need because it’s all in storage: clothes, supplies, sewing machine, etc… *sigh*
Well, I think that’s enough bitching and moaning for one post, eh? Thanks for enduring that, you’re a true pal. Anyhoo- so my January update! This month has been a bit of a dud, but nevertheless, I’ve had some good times. Anthony and I started spending a lot of time “hanging out” with Marzia and Felix on Skype and we have such a wonderful time together; always filled with laughs. We’re actually getting ready to go meet up with them in NYC later this week, so we can all spend some actual time together! Hurrah for physically hanging out vs. virtually. We’re sooooo excited! Marzia and I will more than likely {99.9%} make a video or two {or 5} together, so stay tuned for that! *^_^*
Let’s see… what else? I finally beat the main story of Little Big Planet… and OH! put a MASSIVE dent in getting 100% on FFXIII. OMG. OMG. OMG. No joke you guys- I could go on for days about how annoying getting 100% on this game is. I actually wrote a script for a rant video that I wanted to make, but then decided that that’s best a pond I don’t dip thine toe in {wow, how Shakespearian of me}. But SURiously, I hate how difficult they make getting the platinum trophies. RUDEEEEEEEE.
Anything else? Hmmm… I went to see “This is 40″ {hilarious}… I spent WAY too long designing my new inCATuated storefront {coming soon}… and how could I forget- discovered the most spectacular ice cream at Trader Joe’s!! What a thrilling life I live, hahaha. Here’s to hoping that next month is a bit more exciting :P
-Superman: Earth OneJ. Michael Straczynski
-Shimmering Hair & Body Spray {Noir Tease}, Victoria’s Secret
-High Intensity Nail Polish {Glee}, Jesse’s Girl
-Macaron Circle


My favorite lenses for the month of February were… the NOVA CIRCLE LENSES by Geo! These lenses are so crazy!! For whatever reason, they really scream “futuristic” to me… like something you’d see in The Fifth Element or Looper. I just love love LOVE them. These are available in loads of different colors {blue, brown, green, grey, pink & violet} but the ones I love the most are definitely the green since they match my hair! It’s actually pretty scary how close the coloring is. At first I thought they were blue, since they looked more aqua than green… but turns out they are labeled as green! These are just so stunning from a distance; they literally make your eyes look like they are glowing… as if you’re a witch casting a spell or something… muahahahaha!
 {as seen in my “January Update” video}
I’m so sad that I only got to wear these ONCE before my cat, Buki, destroyed them. She chewed up my lens case and it made them harden :’( But I love these so much that I must buy them back! SOON! I also think I want the pink ones. Which ones do you guys think would look best?
My monthly circle lense giveaways are now being hosted on Rafflecopter! I like it because you can enter RIGHT here instead of having to go onto your facebook. Many people were complaining to me that they didn’t think it was fair that I hosted the giveaways on facebook because they didn’t have/want a facebook account. Sooooo… here ya are! :)

Also, I would like to disclose that EyeCandy’s did send me these lenses, as I am a brand ambassador for them. However, I can assure you that I always provide you with my accurate opinions and thoughts on EVERY product.
Thanks for stopping by! Come back and see me soon if you get lonely.


One day, I was just strolling the promenade with some friends, when I walked past an ALDO and spotted theseamazing sneakers. I basically freaked the fuck out. I LOVEEEE them. It’s like a sneaker and a wedge boot had a baby. AMAZING. The best part is, they are ungodly comfortable! I didn’t want to take them off my feet! hahaha
They fit very snug, and they make your feet/ankles feel really tight and secure. That kind of sounds like a strange thing to like, but I don’t know if I can truly explain the feeling; imagine wearing some really tight belted snow boots, it’s kind of like that! AND they give you about 3 additional inches of height, without looking like you’re wearing heels. I mean, it doesn’t get any cooler than that. These wedge sneakers are my new obsession. I’m frantically searching for more to add to my collection. I typically only wear boots or converse because I don’t like how heels feel, but these are the best of both worlds! I want to wear them all the time!!


I’ve been shopping and along the way I’ve discovered some very lovely finds, so I thought- why not share my excitement with you? One thing that I love about my style is that shopping becomes a bit of a treasure hunt. So when I find something that is fantasy-looking {or something that I can alter to make fantasy-looking} I get very happy! Urban Outfitters is the one store that I have the most luck at, which is a bit unfortunate because I’ve had quite a few bad experiences with their quality {or lack of}.
I got pretty lucky with this haul! After trying everything on, I basically loved it all! The only exception was the bodysuit. I LOVE how it looks, but the quality is AWFUL. It was $40, but it looks like it should have been maybe $8 or $10; the stitching is poor and the closure{eyes/hooks} on the neckline is unbelievably difficult to secure. Ah, you win some you lose some… right? :P
-Moto JacketUrban Outfitters
-Metal BeltUrban Outfitters
-Cut-Out BraUrban Outfitters
-Criss-Cross BraUrban Outfitters
-Belt BagUrban Outfitters
-Spiked Gloves, Urban Outfitters
-Pleather ShortsUrban Outfitters
-High-Waisted ShortsUrban Outfitters
-Turtleneck BodysuitUrban Outfitters
- Asymmetrical SkirtUrban Outfitters
-Flare ShortsUrban Outfitters
-Rustic BraceletsUrban Outfitters
-Skinny BeltUrban Outfitters
-3-Wick Candle {Cider Lane}Bath & Body Works
-Lamb Slippers, Bath & Body Works
-Bubble Bath {Twilight Woods}Bath & Body Works
-Body Cream {Cashmere Glow}Bath & Body Works


What do you wish to accomplish in life? What are your ambitions? How will you achieve them? These are life’s most important and difficult questions. So how do you go about finding the answers?
The key is learning how to find inspiration from within yourself, not from others. Of course, this is much easier said than done. When you’re young, it’s very easy to get caught up in wanting to be like the friends you admire; you begin to confuse your true identity with an identity that’s become a product of your surroundings. However, as you mature and stray away from your past, you will learn a lot about your true self. Over time and through experiences you will put the puzzle pieces together and discover what your passions and talents are.
Once you decide what you want to do, the most important thing is to make sure that you don’t lose sight of your goals and that you stay motivated. One thing that I do is keep a list of 10 life goals (5 major, 5 minor) that if achieved, would mean that I lived a “perfect life”. Think of this as a to-do list that you have your entire life to accomplish. It will inspire you more than you know.
We all feel like we need to follow the path that society tells us to, but I think it’s more important to listen to your heart. People often try to belittle me because I dropped out of college, but I like to believe that I know what’s best for myself. I’ve always been one to follow my gut and it’s never let me down before. On the contrary, it’s taken me to some wonderful places and I have met some amazing people along the way.
When I was in college, I was a mess. I tried convincing myself that I knew what I wanted to do with my life, but in reality I had absolutely no idea; nothing felt right about me being there. I could have forced myself to go through those 4 years and get my degree, but that was too much of a risk for me. $40,000 is a whole lot of money and there is nothing I hate more than being in debt; it is a sickening feeling that consumes me.
The way I look at it- college will always be there. I want to live, explore and discover who I am and what makes me happy before I commit to choosing a career path. I’m slowly getting there, but at 18- I didn’t have a fucking CLUE. Young people love to act like they know exactly who they are and what they want to do with their time on Earth, but I can tell you this- 80% of them are lying to themselves. Humans are multi-dimensional creatures and constantly evolving. What you want this year, you may want nothing to do with the next. But that’s the wonderful thing about being young! You have that freedom!
Now, don’t get me wrong- this isn’t me telling you not to go to college. College is an amazing place that will truly enrich your life. It will not only educate you, but turn you into a beautifully well-rounded person. If your parents are willing to pay your tuition or you’re lucky enough to land a nice financial package, I definitely recommend going. However, I still personally think it’s best to wait a few years and discover your true passions before committing to a major. Many people choose majors too quickly and end up figuring out half-way through that it’s no longer what they want to do. Then the sad part is that many of them continue to push themselves to finish the degree and settle for this path that they no longer hold an interest in. In an alternate world where everyone had a very long life, I would say that the best age for college would be 25-30. Unfortunately we’re pressured to get the ball rolling basically the second we step out of high school, so this complicates things. Not to mention the pressure from society to follow the “timeline of life” when it comes to school, job, marriage, family, etc. Most people want to be married with a secure job by 30, so that doesn’t leave much time for thumb twiddling.
Fortunately, not everyone needs a degree to do what they love for a living. It is rare, but it is out there. The difficult thing is deciding if you’re honest enough with yourself when it comes to judging your potential. It’s going to take a whole lot of talent, work, effort, patience and luck to get to where you want to be without a degree. Creative careers {acting, singing, writing, designing, dancing, painting, photography and so on} are difficult because it’s rarely something that’s gained by getting a degree. It’s more about being in the right place at the right time and knowing the right people to help you get there. And of course having a natural-born gift.
So many people abandon their dreams for so many reasons. It’s tough out there, you have to really be willing to fight to land your dream career. Some quotes that I constantly think about are:
“How bad do you want it? Because remember, there’s always someone, somewhere working harder than you.”
“Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.”
“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”
So you may be wondering, “Kalel- what do YOU want to do with your life?”…haha. I’ve gone through so many different options, everything from psychologist to actor, and it’s been very difficult for me to figure out where I want to be. I have quite a few passions and I never really knew which one to follow. However, in the end I’ve decided to just follow my gut- which tells me that I need to do something with my creativity skills. Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always felt like I just ticked in a different way than most. I could think of ways to create things that others couldn’t. People would always marvel over little things I did and ask me how I thought of doing it and I really didn’t understand how they didn’t see things the same as me. That is precisely why I know I’m destined to use my gift of creativity. What exactly I want to do with it is still a bit unclear, but I definitely have a general idea and direction. I may go back to school or maybe even design school. You’ll just have to stay tuned to see where I end up! :P
Luckily I’m not in too much of a hurry to do the things society demands from me. In the past few years of my life I have grown so much as a person. I have learned so much about myself and just life in general. I honestly wouldn’t exchange those years for anything. I learn more and more every day about how much things change with age: how you think, how you feel, how you react. It’s almost like you start getting little systems down for how you do everything… ok- I’m going on a tangent now, let’s bring this to a close.
I hope this post has inspired you guys a little bit. There is so much pressure on us to choose a path in life, but I hope you remember that at the end of the day the only person who can make the right decision for you is YOU. Find yourself, find happiness and everything else will fall into place.
Thanks for stopping by! Come back and see me tomorrow if you get lonely.


A few months ago, while browsing etsy, I discovered this amazing little shop that sells hand-molded fantasy jewelry. The shop is called Marty Magic- and the creator, Marty, truly makes some wonderful and unique pieces. I instantly fell in love with her shop because I am always on the hunt for fantasy jewelry and it is very difficult to find. She creates all types of pieces at a wide range of price points; from affordable ear cuffs to one-of-a-kind pieces that contain rare and beautiful opals. Her pieces are not only beautiful, but also very well-made; they are cast from solid bronze, solid sterling silver and also solid 18k gold!
The first piece that I purchased was this Bat Ear Cuff and I could hardly believe how adorable it was once I put it on. I absolutely LOVE bats and I just got so excited to have this new little friend who will cling onto me at all times. I even named her… haha, Lucinda. The detail on this piece is absolutely astounding, every time I look at it, it makes me smile.

A few weeks went by and I got an email from Marty asking me if I’d be interested in featuring some of her pieces on my blog. I was so pleasantly surprised that she contacted me and instantly agreed to share my love for her creations. The first piece that I chose was the French Twist Ear Cuff {see top photo}. This cuff looks like it belongs in a fairy world! I love how it travels all the way down the ear. It fits very securely and stays in place all day.
The next piece I chose was the Arabesque Bajoran Ear Cuff, which is just breathtakingly beautiful on. It seriously looks like it was stolen from The Lord of the Rings movie wardrobe! This cuff, unlike the previous one, is an actual earring that connects to the upper part of your ear. This piece is solid sterling silver and very detailed; the woven design on the cuff is so lovely.

The last piece I picked is by far the most interesting and unique. It’s the Fairy Snail Rider Ring. How cool is this?!? From the second I saw it, I knew I had to have it. No photo could do it justice, it is SO amazing. When I look down at it, I am instantly taken to a fantasy world where snails are the means of transportation… and fairies decorate their shells to show their different personalities and cover their heads in embellished chains of jewels and flowers. Haha… oh how wonderful such a place would be!

I hope you guys enjoyed seeing these pieces as much I enjoy wearing them! They mean so much to me and I figured you guys may love them too! In addition to how wonderful they look, one of the major reasons I adore them is because of the person behind it all. Marty is such an inspiration. She has been making jewelry for 33 years and it is so clear to me that this is her true calling and passion; nothing gives me greater pleasure than to support someone who has followed and is currently achieving their dream. I can only hope to be like her one day :)
So…. since I love these pieces SO much, why not do a giveaway? YES! Let’s do a giveaway! If you’d like a chance to win an ear cuff from Marty Magic {valued at $100 or less}, check out the giveaway on my facebook page! In order to be eligible to win, you must simply like my facebook page, as well as Marty’s. Marty will choose and announce the winner on her page on November 14th!
Thanks for stopping by! Come back and see me soon if you get lonely.


There’s nothing more magical than the idea of beautiful bottles filled with bright liquid that hold the power to do mysterious things. When I was a little girl I would always play in the woods and create my own potion concoctions out of smashed berries, twigs, leaves and dirt. I had the wildest imagination and dreamed that my potions could do all different types of things: help me find true love, transport me to a magical wonderland, or maybe even turn my brother into a toad. Of course I never drank my potions, but I’d like to think that they would have worked if I had…
So I thought, why not make some little potions that I can take with me everywhere I go? I spent quite some time planning how I wanted to design these little guys and I’m SO happy with how they turned out. I made a love potion, a poison potion and a potion bottle holding water from the fountain of youth. I’ve always loved the legend of the fountain of youth; what a magical, yet bittersweet story.
One important step in this DIY is using the right kind of glue. I used clear tacky glue that’s primarily made for crafts. It’s very thick and doesn’t move much in the bottle. This way the liquid won’t shift inside the bottle and ruin the top part. One other thing that some people have brought to my attention- you may want to seal the cork with a touch of super glue. I didn’t do this and mine seem to be holding very well, but it’s a safety precaution that you may want to take. Although, if it did come undone, the glue is thick enough to not leak out.
Everything else is pretty much up to you! Have fun with it and make it your own! The possibilities are endless. If you end up creating one, please send a photo to my twitter! :)
Thanks for stopping by! Come back and see me tomorrow if you get lonely.