Friday, November 21, 2014


A new month, a new update! Not just a new month, but a new YEAR! Yippeeeee! *^_^* I have to say, I am freaking pumped for 2013. I even joked on twitter that I’m going to make this year my bitch… ahahaha. But in all seriousness, let’s dominate this year! Dream big, go hard and most importantly HAVE FUN. As strange as it sounds, people really do tend to forget to have fun. We get so wrapped up it the seriousness of life that we slowly abandon our childish mentality… which is amazing, don’t let that go!! Remember- any day can be turned into a fun and memorable day, YOU hold the power! :)
December was a really exciting month; I made major progress on my book, Anthony & I finalized our moving plans, we went to Disneyland, I met an amazing new friend and we had a very special Christmas. I would say the best thing that happened was probably the progress on my book. I truly hope to finish writing it this year! I never thought I could be so deep into writing a story, but I just love this book with such passion. I shared the entire storyline with Anthony one morning, and he loved it just as much as me. I was so happy. He even told me that he thought I was a creative genius and that he felt very proud of me. It was very reassuring and wonderful to hear, because I’m typically pretty hard on myself when it comes to judging my work. I mean, after working for so long it’s pretty common for people to think something is amazing, when in reality it’s disappointingly average. So it feels really good to think that maybe this time I really did get it right! I will keep you updated on my progress! :)
I hope you guys are enjoying watching my monthly updates. I think one reason that I really like doing them is because they act as a reflection exercise for me; it’s mentally healthy to look back and take note of your accomplishments and progress. So even if you don’t make YouTube videos, it may be a cool idea to start a journal and answer these questions every month! Another thing it may help with is self-discovery. Self-discovery is one of the most difficult things to achieve in life, but finding out exactly who you are and what makes you happy is very important. Answering these monthly questions can help you understand definite facts about yourself: what you like, what you’re interested in, what you’re doing right, and so on. Another thing that can really help you find yourself {I’m going on a tangent here… oh god} is to create an extremely detailed list of 100 facts about yourself. It is quite possibly the best self-discovery exercise under the sun. I personally keep one and I was considering sharing it with you guys in a blog post as a way to help encourage you to write one as well. Would you like to see it? Let me know!
Thanks for stopping by! Come back and see me soon if you get lonely.

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