Friday, November 21, 2014

Thrift Shop Haul

Thrifting has always been something that has fascinated me, but it was one of those things where I just always said, “eh, it’s not really for me”. To be completely honest {and this is going to make me sound insane}, when it comes to wearing mysterious used clothing, I wonder a little bit too much about it’s past. It’s life. It’s story, if you will. I always come up with these crazy tales about it’s potential previous owners and the things they MAY have done in the shirt that is now on my body. Such as… what if the girl who wore this last was a crazy murderer and killed someone while wearing it? or what if she drowned a puppy while wearing it? HAHAHA… I know, it’s ridiculous- but my mind just goes there. It’s kind of chilling, right? Anyway- I’ve donated a lot of clothing in the past, and it’s typically things that look well-worn and outdated, so I figured… isn’t that the case for everyone else donating? Nevertheless, one random afternoon I decided- what the heck! I’ll just go out and see what I can find!
When I first got to the Goodwill, I really didn’t find much. However, I think this was because I didn’t know what to expect and I didn’t have an open mind. I walked away with four items. My next trip, I think I walked away with ten! I taught myself that it’s important to have a good eye for WHAT COULD BE, not necessarily what IS. You can easily alter things and make them more your style, or make them appear more modern and “in-style”. I plan on making a new video series where I show you guys how I alter some affordable pieces! I’m super excited to experiment with this :)
The only strange thing about thrifting is that sometimes you will see that the pricing is quite odd; I can’t seem to figure out the strategy behind deciding the price of the items! I saw some old stained shirts that were $3.99, but a perfectly good NICE jacket for only $4.99?! Also, I have been informed that many Goodwills price their things differently. I visited one that seemed to have MUCH lower prices than the one that was next to my house. Either way, I think thrifting is so fun and I’m very excited to continue to find nice things at very affordable prices!
Thanks for stopping by! Come back and see me soon if you get lonely.

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