Friday, November 21, 2014


My favorite lenses for the month of February were… the NOVA CIRCLE LENSES by Geo! These lenses are so crazy!! For whatever reason, they really scream “futuristic” to me… like something you’d see in The Fifth Element or Looper. I just love love LOVE them. These are available in loads of different colors {blue, brown, green, grey, pink & violet} but the ones I love the most are definitely the green since they match my hair! It’s actually pretty scary how close the coloring is. At first I thought they were blue, since they looked more aqua than green… but turns out they are labeled as green! These are just so stunning from a distance; they literally make your eyes look like they are glowing… as if you’re a witch casting a spell or something… muahahahaha!
 {as seen in my “January Update” video}
I’m so sad that I only got to wear these ONCE before my cat, Buki, destroyed them. She chewed up my lens case and it made them harden :’( But I love these so much that I must buy them back! SOON! I also think I want the pink ones. Which ones do you guys think would look best?
My monthly circle lense giveaways are now being hosted on Rafflecopter! I like it because you can enter RIGHT here instead of having to go onto your facebook. Many people were complaining to me that they didn’t think it was fair that I hosted the giveaways on facebook because they didn’t have/want a facebook account. Sooooo… here ya are! :)

Also, I would like to disclose that EyeCandy’s did send me these lenses, as I am a brand ambassador for them. However, I can assure you that I always provide you with my accurate opinions and thoughts on EVERY product.
Thanks for stopping by! Come back and see me soon if you get lonely.

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