Friday, November 21, 2014

love and candy

bears + chocolates = true love

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! I hope you guys are out doing something festive and fun on this beautiful day! Although, I'm thinking that I'm going to be really boring and just stay in. HAHAHA :P

I've been feeling really overwhelmed lately, just trying to stay on top of things. I'm the kind of person, where if I have something major that I'm trying to do (finish decorating my apartment) I CANNOT FUNCTION until it is complete. It is so ungodly hard for me to do ANYTHING else; it's a real internal struggle. Obviously, I can't just spend a full month cooped up inside, online shopping and organizing my jewelry… so I've forced myself to continue my life. But it is so hard for me to focus while living in a "non-perfect" environment. It's about 75% complete, so I'm getting SO close that I'm frantically trying to finish, that way I will FINALLY be able to put my main focus on things that truly matter. I just become SO drained when I over-stimulate my mind, and try to tackle too many things in one day (which is basically every day). It's reached a point now where I get so into trying to complete my to-do list, that I forget to eat. Then I remember and eat, like, enough food for three people. That's healthy. 
Wow. You guys just became my therapist >_<

Anyway, back to Valentine's Day!!! So yes, I am being an old fuddy-duddy. No fancy dinner. No magical plans. Just the two of us, cuddling and watching movies. Maybe some candles and candy. But that's what I like. I mean, I can appreciate a good hearty date. But I'd really rather just stay in and be comfy. I'm only 24 and I'm already so over getting ready and going outside of my apartment. How will I be in 20 years? hahahaha… I'm scared. 

What are you guys doing tonight?? *^_^*

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