Friday, November 21, 2014

Bath Toys

This may or may not be in my bathroom...

I'd have to say that the very best thing about having a little place of my own... I get to be really childish and girly. Because, let's face it- I still have the heart of a six year-old girl; I love cute toys, dolls, stuffed animals, stationary, pastel pajamas and lacy little dresses. So more or less, my studio is probably going to end up looking like a toddler's room! But heeeeeey, it makes me happy. I think of it like this- I want my room to be magical. And what's more magical than childhood innocence? This is my vision, imagine it with me: tons of fabric on the ceiling, like one big, magical "fort". hundreds of string lights, like a carnival. little dangling bits and bobs- glitter stars, feathers, paper cranes. pastel colored vintage furniture. cute stuffed animals and dolls adorning my shelves. tea cups. candles. you see it? It's going to be so magical. I've never really had this level of creative freedom, so I'm very excited to see what I can create. 

Anywaaaaay, so this is a Calico Critter set (or originally known as Sylvanian Families) and I am way too obsessed with it. Many people think that these originated in England, because they are VERY popular over there. However, they were actually created in Japan! Which obviously explains why I'm cuckoo over them. I first came across these critters many years ago, but recently rediscovered them at a local toy store and just fell in love. Although, it was like... "I loveeeeee this!!! But... what would I do with it?!" *ponders* *tries to think of reasons* *cries internally upon realization that it's not practical for a 24 year-old woman to buy $100 in small animal toys created for toddlers* 

But now, I have my own place... and that means I can do whatever I please! MUAHAHAHAHA. I actually have a few more scattered throughout my room, but I just loved this one for the bathroom :P

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