Friday, November 21, 2014

Painting Paintings

Man, when you move into a house for the first time, you sure do need A LOT of shit; things you would never even think to write down on a shopping list! It can be very overwhelming and stressful, but at the same time it is such a lovely experience, making your house your home. One thing that has been important to me from the start was to make sure that we picked everything out TOGETHER. It’s very typical for females to completely take-over the decorating process {mostly because we have magic glitter in our blood that enables us to create loveliness. Also because guys usually just say “eh, don’t care, do whatever”} but I wanted our home to be just that, OUR home. I wanted to be able to catch myself looking at little things and smiling when I thought about the time we chose it together.
When it came to the decorating the walls, I was stumped for a bit. I didn’t just want to throw some pointless art up there, because I want everything to have meaning. So I thought, why not make some paintings together? I like to think I’m fairly artistic… I don’t get much practice, so I could definitely be better, but I’m pretty proud of the things I can create when I put my mind to it. Anthony may not be the next Picasso, but with a bit of direction he’s actually a very good painter! So we had this idea to take three canvases and paint a sunset with a big tree on each, almost as if three photos were taken at the same time and in the same forest but of different trees. What we really love about these paintings is that they tie together all of the colors that we chose for the house’s theme: deep red, burnt orange, golden yellow, teal, chocolate brown and bronze.
{I added bronze highlights on the trees, however you could only see them from this angle, haha }

These paintings still aren’t complete, but I thought I would show you guys the progress! They aren’t masterpieces by any means, but I just love the idea of having personal art hanging on the walls. We can look at them when we’re old grannies and think back to our young days when we created them together, haha… I just think that’s cool. I hope I inspired you guys to think about doing something like this!
Thanks for stopping by! Come back and see me tomorrow if you get lonely.

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