Friday, November 21, 2014

full house loveeeee

I cannot even tell you how long I have wanted this box set.

 I absolutely adore Full House. And can we talk about this packaging?!? It is the cutest thing ever!! So, the other day, I saw it sitting on the ground at Best Buy and thought to myself, "Shit! I've been meaning to buy that FOREVER. I should just get it! Right? I should get it!". But then I was all, "Ugh, Best Buy is usually pretty pricey on stuff like this... maybe I should just get it on Amazon.". There was no price tag. Hmmmm. And then, for whatever reason, I went against my instinct (which seriously never happens), and thought I'd take it to the register and ask how much it was, even though I was confident that it was going to be $20 more than what it was listed as on Amazon. AND THEN, YOU GUYS, A MIRACLE HAPPENED. The cashier told me it was $42.99. NO WAY. It's $149.99 on Amazon. My eyes seriously got so big that I imagine they looked as if they were about to pop out. I was so excited. And that day, I think I learned a valuable lesson.

Your instinct is not always right. Go against it sometimes and you might be surprised.

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