Friday, November 21, 2014

January Update

Time for a little update!! I posted this a bit later than usual because of this whole disaster that I am referring to as the- “why in the hell am I still here crisis of 2013″, hahaha >_< But seriously- we were supposed to have moved WEEKS ago and I’ve had it up to HERE with all of the things that have gone wrong throughout the process; I swear, I am literally minutes away from screaming bloody murder. If I get just one more email telling me that the date is being pushed back, I really will scream. I may even make a whole affair out of it… maybe go outside {preferably while it’s pouring down rain, so I can REALLY bring myself down that extra notch} and just stomp around whilst screaming like a toddler. Sounds pretty fun. It’s just so frustrating because I feel like I can’t focus while living here… and if I can’t focus, I can’t work {at least not very well}. Not to mention, I don’t have any of things I need because it’s all in storage: clothes, supplies, sewing machine, etc… *sigh*
Well, I think that’s enough bitching and moaning for one post, eh? Thanks for enduring that, you’re a true pal. Anyhoo- so my January update! This month has been a bit of a dud, but nevertheless, I’ve had some good times. Anthony and I started spending a lot of time “hanging out” with Marzia and Felix on Skype and we have such a wonderful time together; always filled with laughs. We’re actually getting ready to go meet up with them in NYC later this week, so we can all spend some actual time together! Hurrah for physically hanging out vs. virtually. We’re sooooo excited! Marzia and I will more than likely {99.9%} make a video or two {or 5} together, so stay tuned for that! *^_^*
Let’s see… what else? I finally beat the main story of Little Big Planet… and OH! put a MASSIVE dent in getting 100% on FFXIII. OMG. OMG. OMG. No joke you guys- I could go on for days about how annoying getting 100% on this game is. I actually wrote a script for a rant video that I wanted to make, but then decided that that’s best a pond I don’t dip thine toe in {wow, how Shakespearian of me}. But SURiously, I hate how difficult they make getting the platinum trophies. RUDEEEEEEEE.
Anything else? Hmmm… I went to see “This is 40″ {hilarious}… I spent WAY too long designing my new inCATuated storefront {coming soon}… and how could I forget- discovered the most spectacular ice cream at Trader Joe’s!! What a thrilling life I live, hahaha. Here’s to hoping that next month is a bit more exciting :P
-Superman: Earth OneJ. Michael Straczynski
-Shimmering Hair & Body Spray {Noir Tease}, Victoria’s Secret
-High Intensity Nail Polish {Glee}, Jesse’s Girl
-Macaron Circle

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