Friday, November 21, 2014

paintin' all day, errday

If I never have to hold a paint roller again, that would be grand.

So, what have I been up to since we last spoke? Hmmm... well I-, no... oh! I-, no... yeah, all I did was paint. I've been painting for about... 40 hours? 4 days, 40 hours of painting. So much fun! I was actually kind of delusional in the beginning and was all, "Ohhh yeah, painting party!!! I'm going to have so much fun painting and listening to music!" -_- But it never ends up that way, now does it? Painting becomes a chore in a matter of minutes. 

However, now that everything is done, I am soooo happy. In total, I think I painted ten pieces of furniture? And if you've ever gone through the process of restoring/renewing old furniture, you feel my pain here. The sanding, the priming, the painting, the SECOND coat of paint and the sealant-- x10!! *sigh* But the good news is, it looks amazing (video to come, I don't want to reveal my room yet!) and I got ALL of my furniture/paint/supplies for under $1000. TEN PIECES OF BEAUTIFUL PASTEL FURNITURE FOR UNDER $1000. SCORE. Although, I easily performed $1000 in manual labor... hahaha. 

In other news, hmmm... I still don't have internet or cable. *cries* My life is so hard!!! haha :P But I would really like to have cable! Kardashians premieres tonight (don't you judge me, I like guilty-pleasure reality TV!) and Baby Daddy just premiered the other night! I need my TVVVVV. OH!!! And, and, annnnnd- you guys, I found out some life-changing news yesterday. Are you ready? *clears throat* You can now order Dippin' Dots online and they will deliver it to your house in a little cooler. Just let that soak in for a minute... ... ... ... I KNOW. I typically don't eat any ice cream other than vegan ice cream, but THIS IS DIPPIN' DOTS, folks! It is the best thing in this entire world. So I ordered 12 pouches, hahaha. The only shitty thing is, you can't keep these in your freezer, they have to be stored in a dry ice cooler. So basically from the time they deliver to you, you have 48 hours to consume. I don't think I'll have a problem with that, but I DO wish that I could keep a massive stockpile in my freezer :'( #ImFatAndDontCare

I realized that that sounded hella sponsored. It was. They paid me $5000. Thanks for reading! ^_^ If you order, please use code KALELGETSMO'MONEY. LOLOLOL. Just kidding. Although, that would be my dream sponsor. *thinks* Maybe they will read this and be like, "We LOVE you! We want to give you free Dippin' Dots for life!!" What a dream.

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