-and so it begins.
Ahhhhhhh... the stress, that is, wedding planning. WHERE DO I EVEN START?! Don't get me wrong, this girl loves to plan; I'm extraordinarily good at it (maybe even too good)... I probably should be doing it for a living. hahaha :)
So I started my holy binder this week. The planning was kicked into action the moment that I found this lovely binder at J.Crew. You can't see the inside lining here, but it is white with metallic gold dots (drool-worthy). I also picked up a few wedding magazines, some sheet protectors, post-its, tape and my favorite pens. Then I got to work (and by work, I mean shoveling snacks into my mouth) ^o^
I've actually made some great progress. I'm 95% sure that we have our venue! Which is HUGE (not literally, figuratively... although, it is quite large). It's actually the thing I have been most concerned about. Even though the wedding is over a year away, this is LA, people! And these venues get booked faster than you can say "oh, I really want that one!". But not only that, I was also concerned because I had a VERY specific idea in my head. But this place is just so perfect.
I don't even want to think about the dress yet.
So don't even ask me.
So for the past few days I have been working on this binder... and it is INSANE. We're talkin' 200 pages of shit that I need to conceptualize, sketch, research, book, etc. And I can't decided if I'm excited about it (and mildly in-denial) or just flat out stressed. Luckily I still have plenty of time, so I think I'm mostly excited. But starting later really wasn't an option for me; between college + 30 hours of homework/week, designing/overseeing the construction of our future home, vlogging (typically about 5-6 days/week), managing my blog/videos, spending quality time with Anthony, and socializing with friends... there really isn't much time left for vigorous wedding planning. So I NEED to space it out, slowly. And I just KNOW that this shit is going to take me 2,000+ hours. I mean, just making a halloween costume typically takes me 100+ hours... so a wedding?? Yeah, that's going to take an eternity. #DatPerfectionistLyfe
So about that binder... haha. I have a REALLYYYYY good system going. I was thinking about making a small video series about wedding planning on here. Would you guys be into that or bored by it? I was thinking maybe I could do the first one about my planning system and show my binder/how I'm managing my time. Then maybe some others talking about crafting things (I'm hand-making A TON of stuff for my wedding), the details of our wedding (colors, theme, invitation, etc.) and who knows what else. I'd also REALLY like to do a post about "How Do I Know If He's Really 'THE ONE?'". I've been reading so many books about relationships/marriage lately, and I really feel the need to pass this information on to others. It really opened my eyes and I think it could help so many women.
Well, this is long.
We shall talk more wedding stuff, soon! *^_^*
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