Friday, November 21, 2014

side table goodies

My little girly side table- it is love.

It's so simple, but my side table + decor is one of my favorite areas of my entire apartment. I got the table for $15 and painted it peach, threw on a $1.99 lace doilie, some books, a box of caramels and candle- and BAM! Perfection.

Speaking of my apartment, it isssssss *deep breath* 88% complete. SO CLOSE. Just tying up the loose ends!! I need to craft some curtains (or something that resembles a curtain), buy one last piece of furniture, hang some photos… and that's about it! AW YEAAAAH! I'm so happy with the turnout, can't wait to show you guys everything! I will try to do a tour within the next few months ^_^ 

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