Friday, November 21, 2014

dirty dishes

I'm really terrible when it comes to doing dishes. They often pile up for a day or two before I do them... >_< Hey! Don't look at me like that, you know you do it too!!!! :P

So the other day, I was walking past my little pile on my counter... and I found it oddly beautiful. Thus, the picture that I have posted of my dirty ass dishes. (If you were curious, they were dishes from mushroom spaghetti, apple pie, and gingerbread tea topped with vegan eggnog... it was a good day for my tummy.) All of my vintage-inspired dishes and cups are mismatched and I WORSHIP THEM. They are so unique. I get them mostly from Anthropologie, but some other places as well. It's always a such a thrill when I'm shopping and I come across a new piece to add to my collection!

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