Friday, November 21, 2014

the devil's baby...

Rosemary's Baby, by Ira Levin

THIS BOOK. I've said it before, and I'll say it again- I love fucked up books. The weirder, the better. And THIS BOOK... well, it's out there. I'm sure many people have heard of Rosemary's Baby, it's a very popular movie from the 1960's. But if you don't know: It's about this woman, Rosemary, and... well... she somehow gets drugged and impregnated with the spawn of satan. That's all I'm gonna say. But if you're anything like me, that should peek your interest! hahaha :P 

I've been reading A LOT lately, which makes me very happy, because I had been in a "reading drought" for MANY years. I used to read a book every single week, but then randomly something weird happened to me. I started reading so many books, but just felt they were... blah, and then would toss them aside; I couldn't finish a book for YEARS. The last reading spree I had was when I read the complete Dollanganger series in two weeks, and that was back in 2011! 

But I've really been discovering some great reads lately! What's your favorite book that you've discovered recently? Let me know! *^_^*

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